Equality's Call - back in stock most places

Around election time, Equality's Call sold out in some locations and was backordered.  But I'm happy to report it's back in stock most places now. Your local library or your favorite local bookstore likely has it or can get it for you.

Equality's Call has year-round relevancy.  With the book back in stock, I'll be posting here more regularly, suggesting ways in which Equality's Call can be used in the classroom and at home.

The book provides an opportunity not only to explore the history of voting rights but also to open up conversations about inequities and activism, past and present.

There are many classroom resources (handouts, lesson plans, more) available at my web site.  I will continue to add to those resources, and so I welcome any suggestions you may have.

I'll also be doing free virtual author visits throughout the remainder of the school year.  If you're interested in having me read Equality's Call to your class or school, please be in touch:  deborah [at] deborahdiesen [dot] com


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